Upgrading from old rain bird system

Bryan Clarke
Updated at 2022-08-14 20:18:01 UTC
Topic: Installation

Hi - I am trying to determine if the 12 station Netro  spark would be easy for me to install.

I currently have a rather old rain bird system with 16 valves.

I think I understand the mapping of the com and individual values. But I am confused about the 24 vlt and my current rain sensor.

It seems like my 24vlt wires come from a pack/converter that is plugged into an outlet. Is this directly convertible - not sure how I take the orange wires and the devices they are connected to on the left of the picture to the new controller?

As well, would my current hunter rain sensor still work with the new controller, or do I need a different one?

Thanks for your help and advice.

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