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Irrigation Pattern - new feature.

Alfonso Olias Sanz
Updated at 2021-08-31 09:42:59 UTC 


I have checked that the irrigation modes





Irrigate the same amount of water, the only difference is the frequency in days and time per irrigation.

The only mode that saves water is ECO 

Or does a DEEP / EPA modes, will help me to save water compared to REGULAR or FREQUENT during a period of time ( I also have installed the whisperer) . Is the whisperer able to detect deep water?

I would like to stress the grass up to a point irrigation is needed, so swapping between DEEP and ECO to save water. But I cannot create a calendar where I could set up the watering mode per month for instance.

Any advice?

View: 1151   Answer: 1

Any way to adjust whatever the rain threshold is for when it waters?

Sean Eatch
Updated at 2021-09-01 01:08:02 UTC 
I’ve got mine watering during a rainstorm a couple times or when the weather is predicting rainfall. Any way to adjust whatever number it’s using to decide not to water?
View: 1013   Answer: 1

Smart Controller Not Very Smart

Updated at 2021-09-07 09:58:44 UTC 


I’m not sure that I can trust this Spark Controller anymore.  Woke up to notifications of zones being watered when controller is programmed to water on MWF.  Moisture levels in all zones was okay on all zones and smart level is only set to basic.  According to the notifications the controller was watering on 9/8/21 instead of 9/7/21.  It’s like the calendar on Netro’s server is set to the wrong date.  Very disappointing, and I don’t know if I can trust the controller going forward. the controlle

View: 1126   Answer: 1

How to remove a "device" without sensors?

Updated at 2021-09-07 22:45:21 UTC 


I bought 2 whisperers and 1 controller.

I set up 1 whisperer as a sensor before trying out the controller because it arrived first.

Then when I got the controller a few days later I "deleted" the sensor and factory-reseted it so I could add it to my controller.

Now I have an empty "Plant Sensor" section in the app (and in the webapp) and I can't delete it

How do I remove the empty section?

View: 1000   Answer: 1

Program Not Running

Wally Carnes
Updated at 2021-09-09 02:37:52 UTC 
I have programmed the 8 zones in my Sprite water controller to run 20 minutes at each station. However, it keeps watering based on some manual settings as noted in the red circles below that I have changed over and over to coincide with the program. It still just resets to 1 minute on several stations. What do I need to do to fix this?
View: 1267   Answer: 2

Whisperer moisture sensor location

Updated at 2021-09-09 15:28:26 UTC 
Topic: General
Where are the moisture sensors on the whisperer?  On one of mine, the ground stake broke and I was thinking of replacing it with a stardard metal stake. Will this work or is the moisture sensor built into the ground stake? Thanks! 
View: 994   Answer: 1

No data registers as zero

Dave C
Updated at 2021-09-10 22:06:38 UTC 

If I leave my sensor for a while it stops recording new data. The days where there is no data is recorded as a zero. This is obviously not correct.  Any plans on updating this?

View: 963   Answer: 1


Gerard Coulombe
Updated at 2021-09-12 11:02:25 UTC 


Despite numerous trials i cannot connect the box to the website. 

Help needed


View: 991   Answer: 1

Power Supply

Jason Willis
Updated at 2021-09-12 12:27:04 UTC 
We had a huge lightning bolt crack by our house and now my new Netro watering system is offline. Is there any way I can get a new power supply to try and get the system back online. I am really bummed that it’s offline. 

Jason Willis
View: 1134   Answer: 1

Can't get our Netro to reset

Neil Hobbs
Updated at 2021-09-13 20:54:12 UTC 

We recently had chipmunks chew through  the fiberoptic connection for our computer hookup, not before we were advised to install a new Bell router with a different ID and password. But I can't seem to get the Netro system to recognize this new router and its ID, and it has gone offline. Several attempts to get it to go online failed.

The control panel has a slowly flashing white light indicating that it is in a holding mode, I understand.

Can you help me through a re-connection please? The system has been a life-saver to date....

Neil Hobbs, Sydenham, Ontario.

View: 1069   Answer: 1

Moisture sensors not working

Nancy Lamm
Updated at 2021-09-15 14:13:04 UTC 
It rained yesterday yet my moisture sensors have not changed. How do you reset it or get it to measure correctly??
View: 1077   Answer: 1

new xfinity box

gary graham
Updated at 2021-09-16 04:04:06 UTC 
Topic: General
i have a new xfinity box. all i get is fast blinking light . i try to reset does no good. i have a netgear router too. im at wits end !!!!!
View: 975   Answer: 1

turn watering off without deleting schedules

Updated at 2021-09-16 17:05:56 UTC 
I want to turn watering off without deleting schedules.  I need to do some repairs
View: 1106   Answer: 1

Manual en Español

Juan Pascual
Updated at 2021-09-16 21:27:37 UTC 
Topic: General

Buenos días.

No encuentro los manuales en Español.

Pueden indicarme donde los encuentro en la web?


View: 1070   Answer: 1

Default Smart Zone settings

Ken Laberteaux
Updated at 2021-09-17 00:51:11 UTC 

Each Smart Zone can be set to a preset, e.g. Frequent, Deep, Boost, EPA, etc.  If you click Customized, you can choose the Min and Max Soil Moisture, and the Flow Rate (inches/hour).  Presumably, there is a default value of these three choices for each of the presets.

How can I find out what the presets are for these three values?  e.g. for the EPA preset, what is the Min, Max, and Flow Rate?  Same question for all of the Smart Zone presets.



View: 1085   Answer: 1

Moisture reading not working

Nancy Lamm
Updated at 2021-09-18 22:32:21 UTC 
It has rained for past 2 days and it still says moisture in grass is 50-60%. I don’t have sensors but my understanding is it supposed to change due to weather forecast! It doesn’t so not very smart!
View: 936   Answer: 1

What does the attention icon means?

Shai Amiel
Updated at 2021-09-20 10:25:23 UTC 
What do the attention icon means it appears sometimes next to the smart schedule 
View: 938   Answer: 1


Updated at 2021-09-20 15:06:51 UTC 


My watering unit is programmed to water my lawn as necessary under the programs algorithm. However, I have numerous days when the watering is done twice— for exam0e it will run all the zones and immediately run the same zones again.  Anyone know how to fix that?

View: 1111   Answer: 1

Zone name

Michele Russo
Updated at 2021-09-21 02:24:05 UTC 

Hello. I cannot chance The nome of zone. Only Zone1- Zone 2 but IS more nice with name. Can you help me ?

View: 924   Answer: 1

No actual data in APP shown

Updated at 2021-09-21 07:10:31 UTC 

I installed my Whisperer and it seemed to work but after a couple of days when I checked the APP it just shows 0 at all three datafields. I see values in the overview (weeks, month etc.) though. What can I do to correct this? 

View: 1027   Answer: 1