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To save newly planted Healing Garden for Homless Veterans I need how to set up a "Test Run" program on Sprite--Netro closed and virus closedown upon us! HELP Please.

Updated at 2020-03-22 00:49:00 UTC 

I have a Sprite installed at a healing garden--part of a new transitional home here in Sebastopol, CA  for homeless veterans on which I was the project manager.  However the non-profit team who will bring in the vets has not taken occupancy yet and the wifi will be theirs.  It says in the netro installation that in case of no wifi , it "might work to use the "test run" program on your iphone on the log-in page.  But I cannot see the "Test Run" option  on my iPhone 6S.  

Please help because with the corona virus shut down, Netro is closed and  it could be weeks before I can get to the site to water it manually and all the plants could perish for lack or water!!!

Thanks for any help,  Yohan Morgan.  707/332-3050, USA  cell. 

View: 1807   Answer: 1

pixie does not measure humidity correctly

stefano banfi gaslini
Updated at 2020-03-18 15:16:20 UTC 


I put whisperer in a garden pot, after a few days I noticed that it indicated that the soil was moist even if it was not.
it was particularly dry.
two days ago I moved it, I made the calibration and zeroed the self-learning but still today it shows me that the soil is moist while the soil in the pot is now particularly dry, it is necessary to irrigate!
indicates that it is 98% wet.

what is wrong?

and while because from the app I only see humidity of the top soil while from the web with the webui I also see the humidity of the subsoil?


best regards


View: 1796   Answer: 1

Whisperer issue

Saul Perez
Updated at 2020-03-15 19:07:50 UTC 
So my whisperer began to fail aboit a few weeks ago. I try reconnecting it and all it does when i press the button is flash a red light. Any help? Cant reset it or do anything at this nm point. 
View: 1936   Answer: 1

Updated at 2020-03-11 14:44:38 UTC 


Sprite has been successfully installed and tested once each zone (12).

The next day, the decide was offline without any reason and all the attempts to switch off and reset were failed. How I can solve the issue?

Thanks for the support



View: 1881   Answer: 1

Watering stops after 5 mins

D String
Updated at 2020-02-29 17:22:32 UTC 
The system was working fine when I 1st got it but now when it comes on no water comes out it works for about 5 minutes 'then stops . For when I water all zones the 1st stone will water and then it will cycle through and not water any of the other zones Please help
View: 1897   Answer: 1

Watering stop problem

Updated at 2020-02-14 14:43:36 UTC 

When I start watering to give it a try. Everything's going well. But when I want to stop watering it's impossible. I have to turn off the power so that netro stops the watering.

WeatherPro is the problem ?

For information, I have an electrovanne rainbird.

 Best regards


View: 1966   Answer: 0

Light still blinking fast after pressing RST button

Updated at 2020-01-20 23:27:20 UTC 
Any suggestions? Thanks. Already unplugged from outlet for about 10 seconds and plugged back in. 
View: 2061   Answer: 1

setting up sprite location service on cellphone not on ... but it is

Michael Pakalolo
Updated at 2020-01-12 16:51:03 UTC 
hi there, my sprite was working fine for 3 month , now i had no internet for 24 hours and sprite did not connect to the internet anymore . I restarted the router and then the sprite and still no internet connection but my router is fine and i have internet. So i reset the sprite and now it says i need to allow location service on my phone but it is on!!! it will not allow me to setup the sprite and i don't know what to do?
View: 1918   Answer: 1

Neither whisperer is now working

Tim Foster
Updated at 2019-12-05 17:56:44 UTC 
I have two whisperers, one in zone 2 at the front and one in zone 4 at the back. We're in Mexico so it's ridiculously hot and sunny all the time. The unit at the back faces north west. The unit at the front faces north. Both units are now dead. Neither will reset or power up. 
View: 2079   Answer: 1

Whisperer sensor winter storage

Brian Hobbs
Updated at 2019-10-15 01:58:49 UTC 
What is the best way to store the whisperer for the winter.  Should in keep it exposed to sunlight via a window.  Is there a way to turn it off?
View: 2110   Answer: 1

Need help on how to use Whisperer

Nguyễn Vinh
Updated at 2019-09-30 06:46:55 UTC 

After exposure >4 hours, the power button lights up red and shows no sign of connection. And one more detail is a Sprite capable of connecting with the Whisperer?

Pls answer me soon because I am in need of to use. 


View: 2113   Answer: 2

Reposting - No reply to commemt.

Kirk Davis
Updated at 2019-09-17 12:12:15 UTC 

Having a problem since upgrade of the app. Doesn't seem possible unless the main unit updated as well. Valves close within a few minutes of being activated by manual start, or programmed schedule. Have not test with smart watering disabled, but it happens on manual starts, so not sure that is even a variable. The Zone still shows as actively watering in the application. If you submit a stop  action by pressing the red square,then restart, via the sideways triangle, the zone will come back on again. However, it shortly shuts back off, while still showing the zone as being actively watered. This is happening across all four of my zones. Curiously, if you unplug the controller after the valve shuts off, but the app still shows it watering, wait a bit, and then plugit back int-the zone comes backon shortly after reboot.

Tested countless times, hasn't finished a cycle in a month. The zone stops sending the 24v signal causing the pump relay to snap shut and turn off the water supply, or perhaps the zone valve. Either way, appears to be a very odd defect. Do I need a replacement unit?  (BTW, I have all smart fumctioms disabled) 

View: 2138   Answer: 1

Power Transformer

Updated at 2019-09-04 02:31:34 UTC 
I have my controller in my garage here in the desert.  The transformer seems very hot to the touch.  Is this a problem??
View: 2749   Answer: 3

Yellow triangle with ! Inside

Michael Pakalolo
Updated at 2019-08-24 16:15:54 UTC 
What does the yellow triangle with the ! mean next to the schedule 
View: 2042   Answer: 1

Zones run at the same time

Rich Christenson
Updated at 2019-08-15 11:05:09 UTC 

When I started running a scheduled daily program in conjunction with smart watering selected, for some reason zones will run at the same time.

Am I doing something wrong?  I have a one minute delay in my zones and when I didn’t have the program running the zones would run independently.

When I open the app while the two zones are running, it only displays one zone running.  I’m super confused.

View: 2314   Answer: 3

Low pressure in zones

Hussein Diab
Updated at 2019-07-29 16:36:31 UTC 
Hello, I've noticed that 2 out of my 6 zones suffer from low to no water pressure. I tried removing the nozzles to test but the water kept barely coming out. I know the solinoids are working because the water is coming from the zones, but how can I understand why there is super low pressure?
View: 2108   Answer: 1

Water stops running before the cycle is over

Updated at 2019-07-18 18:03:03 UTC 
Recently I have been having issues with zones 5-8 stop watering before the cycle is over, but keeps counting down and moves to the next zone and does the same thing. I have tried resetting the unit, re-linking the wifi, but doesn't seem to make a difference. Help!
View: 2073   Answer: 0

Controller consistently goes offline

Kyle Giacomini
Updated at 2019-07-12 15:05:29 UTC 

Hi there,

My controller has been losing connection to the internet everyday for about two weeks. The controller light stays solid and my app says the controller is offline. I can only reset the controller by physically disconnecting the power supply for 10 seconds and rebooting. This is getting anyoying and is  becoming a daily routine. I have a wifi extender 2 ft from the controller location as well. If I can't depend on the controller to stay online, what's the point of having an internet based sprinkler system? What steps can I take to make the controller stay connected to the internet?

View: 2377   Answer: 1

Watering all zones simultaneously

Rod Timby
Updated at 2019-07-11 18:14:39 UTC 
I installed as directed and only have three zones, but every time the system comes on all zones are watering simultaneously.  I installed the common wire as it was removed from the last controller and each valve wire is hooked to zones 1-3.  Any thoughts or ideals are appreciated.  Thank you
View: 2074   Answer: 1

Watering all zones simultaneously

Rod Timby
Updated at 2019-07-11 18:09:47 UTC 
I installed as directed and only have three zones, but every time the system comes on all zones are watering simultaneously.  I installed the common wire as it was removed from the last controller and each valve wire is hooked to zones 1-3.  Any thoughts or ideals are appreciated.  Thank you
View: 2008   Answer: 0